Social Media Jargon: 15 Terms You Should Know

New words, phrases, and acronyms are constantly popping up across social networks. You can't afford to ignore social media, so here are 15 terms you might find useful to know.

1. Circles. These are the community groups users put together on Google+.

2. Connections. This is the online version of your business network, made up of the people you decide to "connect" with on LinkedIn. When you're a "connection" in someone's LinkedIn network, you can view their "full," profile instead of their "limited," one and send them private messages and updates.

3. Geotagging. This is adding a geographic ID to let others know your location. Found on smart phone apps for social media sites. 

4. Hashtag. A hashtag begins with a number sign followed by a word or string of words with no spaces. On Twitter, and now Facebook, this creates a hyperlink that when clicked on, performs a search for that word or phrase on the social network.

5. Meme. Rhymes with "seem." Short for "mimicked theme." A meme is an idea, style, or action that spreads virally, often as mimicry, over the Internet. It may be an image, video, hashtag, or hyperlink.

6. Pinning. This is how you show you like content on Pinterest. Once content is pinned, it appears on your own Pinboard.

7. RSS. Often called Really Simple Syndication, but actually stands for Rich Site Summary. A web standard for content delivery for everything from blog posts and news stories to images and videos. Lets you stay current with information sources without having to browse all their content.

8. Social Graph. A visual that shows all the connections an individual has within a social network.

9. Social Media Optimization (SMO). SMO is the process of checking that all the content you've created or curated is available to share across your key social media and networking sites. Types of media to check include RSS feeds, social news and bookmarking sites, as well as the social networks, video, and blogging sites you use.

10. Tag. A keyword or phrase assigned to a piece of information, such as a blog, bookmark, or digital image. It helps describe the item or topic and enables it to be found again through a browse or search.

11. Tumblr. Another blogging website and social platform. Lets users share content and connect based on their blog entries, as well as "follow" other users' blogs.

12. Tweets, Retweets. Tweets are posts on Twitter, limited to 140 characters. When a user tweets another's tweet, it's called a retweet. Credit still goes to the original user and the tweet appears as RT in the timelines of all the retweeter's followers.

13. Twebinar. This is a live podcast or audio broadcast that uses Twitter as the backchannel for discussion.

14. Viral. This describes anything that is rapidly shared across the Internet through social media, email, and video sharing websites.

15. Widget. This is a mini application that performs a specific function connecting a user to the Internet.

Social media's influence now reaches way beyond teenagers glued to their smart phones. Business professionals don't need to spend tons of time on every social network, but it makes sense to stay up to speed.

Source: Gina L. Acree. SWBC Mortgage Office: (210) 408-2600